Sam at the Carnival
Carnivals are lame, slightly creepy, and most of the 'attractions' are about as entertaining as a re-run of "Joey". This is the adult me talking.
But my daughter is now old enough to enjoy this sort of thing. Every time she's seen a carnival for the last year she's begged to go ride the ferris wheel.
So it was that last weekend we told her that she'd have a fun surprise after her nap, provided she behaved. Well, she behaved.
"Where are we going, Daddy?"
"You'll find out."
"Daddy said you'll find out, you'll find out!"
"Dad-dy! Oh, look! A ferris wheel!"
A few moments go by. The ferris wheel grows large as we approach."
"Are we going there?"
Well, I got pictures. But I forgot to take them whilst riding in the ferris wheel gondola. Partly because I found the ride frightening, all the more so because Samantha did not. Click on the pictures to make them bigger. Enjoy!

Sam felt like a big girl as she was allowed to ride this attraction all by herself! She rode this thing at least ten times.

Another ride she was able to go solo on. Fun!

Very cool. Samantha Rocks, and Rolls and goes Up and Down and all around. Yeah!
I will take one of her in a Purple Dinosaur. Grandma & Lala
she's getting so big!
looks like she had a BLAST! what a great reward for behaving.
Sammy's Gramma:Take what you want! I'll post more!
Sarah:She did. I really enjoyed watching her have such a good time.
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